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A letter from Kenya

Dear Pastor Fred,

Greetings from Nairobi! Thanks for the e-mail. I was going to write to you this week so it was good timing to receive your message first.

We have been keeping track of everything in the states, pretty easy to do as the news from the states has reached all parts of the world. We have been praying for the nation daily, in repentance as well as for God's peace.

Our family is doing well. My work has slowed down as the Project 24 children as well as the school children from Karama in Kibera are all home during this time. The President just announced the desire to open schools in the third term which would start Sept. 1st, but we have a long way to go before then. So... in the mean time, I have been able to connect with a few people via phone and visits within Nairobi, but I am also using this time to help with my mom's Down Syndrome support group and read more about how to help my daughter (all good things 🙂). Micah's travel business has been put to a halt but he has been involved in several food distributions within Kibera (as the need is great since a lot of people are without jobs). He has also been working on some major house projects, which has been nice.

The number of Covid-19 cases continue to rise by about 100 a day as they continue to try and do mass testing. We are around 3,200 cases total with a little under 100 deaths. Our county, Nairobi county, is on lockdown in the sense that no one can travel in or out of the county. We can still travel within the city. Masks are required in public. Micah and I may go out two or three times a week but we are mainly staying home, enjoying our time with Rael and Silas.

Congrats on the new grandbaby. Hopefully you have seen him or will get to see him soon.

Thinking of you all at Grace! Please pass our greetings to everyone and feel free to share this update!

In Christ,


Sorry, I forgot to mention that yes, I think that the mail coming into Kenya has been put on hold. My mom also tried to send us something and it was returned back to her. Thanks for the birthday wishes! We always appreciate your hand-made cards 🙂

Love from Kenya,

Britt Odemba

Education Consultant

LCMS International Mission

The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod

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